Website updated on:
16 July, 2024

Payment through Easy Paisa Account

Now you can deposit KPPSC Fee using your own Easy Paisa account

Before starting you shall have Easy Paisa Account activated on Your Mobile Number, and it has sufficient amount to pay fee.

How to open Easypaisa Account ?

Step 1: Dial *786#
Dial *786# from your Mobile Key pad


Step 2: Payments
Enter 4 for Payments.


Step 3: Corporate
Enter 4 for Corporate.


Step 4: Fee Collection
Enter 3 for Fee Collection.


Step 5: KP Public Service Commission
Enter 1 for KP PSC.


Step 6: PMS or General Posts
Enter 1 for PMS Or enter 2 for General Posts.


Step 7: Enter NIC
Candidate shall enter his/her own NIC


Step 8: Enter PIN
Enter PIN of Easy Paisa Account PIN Code


Step 9: Get the Transaction ID
After successful payment to KPPSC Account through Easy Paisa You will get a confirmation Message containing Trx ID.


Step 10: Apply for Post
While applying for Post enter the Transaction ID received via SMS.